Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Journey to Create Natural Deodorant

I have recently been on a kick to rid our house of unnecessary toxins.The goal is to use ingredients and products with either only one ingredient or ingredients that are easily recognized--avoiding chemical mixes. After listening to a wonderful podcast on ChrisFabryLive from Aug. 23, 2011 with his guest for the day being Andrea Fabry, his wife, I have set my goal of making our home more natural.   Andrea started purging her home of toxins following a mold outbreak (you can read their story on Chris's blog) and suggests starting with laundry, but because I am not yet out of detergent that we have already purchased, I decided to start in the bathroom.

I've switched over our soap in the shower from a green colored, deordorizing soap bar to Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap.  Before the switch, I had noticed that my husband would come home smelly, shower, and within minutes smell like he needed another shower. It turned out, his body was trying to compensate for the dryness of his skin after using the green soap. Since the switch, both he and I have noticed that his skin smells clean longer and feels clean longer into the day.  I have noticed that I do not need to coat my skin in lotion after a shower, and my legs feel soft and moisturized even after shaving. The one thing I did have to point out to my husband was that Dr. Bronner's soap does not initially lather on its own, which will cause an over use if you are trying to work up a lather with the bar--rub a thin coat on, then use your hands to work a lather and spread the soap that way.

Next, I moved to deodorant. Deodorant is something that goes on your skin all day long. It is right next to your mammary glands, and some studies have linked it to breast cancer, which both my husband and I have had in our families. I had been using a particular deodorant/antiperspirant for years, but the scent was recently discontinued (and being a creature of habit, I was having a hard time choosing a new scent that I liked).  After hearing the podcast on making laundry soaps, Andrea suggested that for people who like fragrances, essential oils can provide them naturally!  So off I went to the local, natural food co-op to find some essential oils that were pleasing to me and my husband. We returned home with several different scents.  I googled recipe after recipe for deodorants until I had read enough to feel confident in my endeavor. I have since made a deodorant for myself and one for my husband.

The base consists of  coconut oil which has been found to be very nourishing for your skin. Then add in baking soda as your deodorizing agent. Using baking soda alone can cause irritation. Many sites will recommend corn starch for powder based deodorants, but I am against corn products so have chosen to go with a liquid based deodorant. Mix well, then add in tea tree oil, which kills bacteria-the stuff that causes odor in the first place, and any other scents you like.  I used lavender, peppermint, and lemon in mine.  I used cinnamon and peppermint in my husband's. I cannot tell you measurements for this at the moment because I did not measure, I just made it the consistency that I thought it should be and added the essential oils until I was satisfied with the fragrance.  For myself, I've been very satisfied with the mixture. There was one day when it was very hot and I was sweating slightly more than usual, and I felt the deodorant was quite strong enough, so I added more baking soda to the mixture. Since then, I've had no concerns. It's a work in progress, but I'm feeling great about the choices I am making for my family.

How are you helping to make your family more natural and healthy?

1 comment:

  1. its obvious some patients with Herpes Virus are being enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I have been with the virus since 2015 until I was introduced by a blogger who also narrated her story online on how she was cured of HPV after using Dr ALUDA Herbal Medicine. This is a year and 2 weeks since I was delivered from Herpes VIRUS. All thanks to God for using this Great herbalist to heal me. I have promised to keep telling good things about Dr ALUDA. Please feel free to share Your problems with him and don’t forget to tell him I did refer you to Him. Thanks. email him He deals with Alzheimer virus, Cancer, HIV, Herpes, Genital, warts,Multiple Fibroids, ALS, HBV, UTI, Virginal infection, Genital, Wart, HPV, Hepatitis A/B, Good luck, HSV,  Cold Sores, Diabetes 1 & 2, Pregnancy, Ex back.
